Are you ready

to develop as a Christian Woman in Leadership?

Get inspired by a Scripture reading plan about 8 incredible Women Leaders in the Bible free to your inbox


Hi, my name is Lola

Around 2012 the ‘wheels fell off’ in my life, a family catastrophe that resulted in me questioning my faith in a BIG way

Instead of turning to God, I became deeply skeptical. Not so much about whether there is a God, but whether this was a God who loved people, especially WOMEN


I am a girl from Bradford, UK, who grew up in relative poverty in an abusive situation. After moving to Oxford when I was 19 years old, and developing a faith a few years later,  I tried so hard to be a ‘good girl’ and I married into a ‘good Christian family’.  In the end though, I found myself in yet another complex, toxic and heartbreaking situation with extended family.

I had a sense that everything about God must be misogynistic given that all I could see around me were men leading

and the Bible seemed pretty sexist too (I have since removed this idea and repented) There just seemed no place for me and I was tired out – in a very dark and rebellious space in my head and heart.

Things were not good at all.

I had a night of reckoning with the Lord. One night, 3am in the morning actually, I felt I experienced something of hell – TOTAL SEPARATION from God and everyone.

It was terrifying.

I cried out at that moment to God and essentially threw the gauntlet down ‘Lord, if you are there, then you need to show me. Tomorrow at church you need to speak to me’

You can see how utterly lost I was in making demands this way to Almighty God!

The next day was Sunday. I went to church. The sermon preached did not move me. The worship music came and went.

I sat there lost, hopeless, dejected, forsaken.


Something happened that changed my life forever…

As the last verse of the last worship song was fading away, a friend CLIMBED over the seat from behind and plonked herself next to me and said:

‘I have a message from God for you…He loves you, He knows everything, He says take your time,  and trust Him’

I was blown away. Tears. Joy. HE SEES ME. I finally understood the sheer gravity of the name Hagar gave the Lord, when she said “He is the God who sees me” – El Roi – as I marvelled myself at being seen by Him.

At that moment, I opened my bible again in earnest, voraciously reading the Word like I had never done before.

Why have I taken so much space here to explain this story? Well, because I believe this is OUR story. 

As women, we have FORGOTTEN WHO WE ARE, beloved daughters of the KING; along with our brothers in Christ, co-creators and co-workers with the Almighty God who SEES us.

As I surrendered my life to Jesus, in sheer joy, ready to obey whatever He commands of me, to follow wherever HE leads, I became more and more convicted that He wants women to be ALL that He created us to be.  He wants YOU to step into, nurture and flourish the gifts He has blessed you with and finally – YES! –  to LEAD.

As I read more of the Word, I saw more and more of His character, and how He seeks to LIBERATE women.

It led me to finally open the Women Leaders Collective private Facebook group, while I prayed and figured out exactly what God wanted me to do.

And what does He want?  He wants you and I to be equipped in our calling and leadership, and to take Him at His word when He said to Mary, a disciple learning at the feet of Her Lord:

“but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her”  (Luke 10:42)

Enjoy learning and being His disciple like Mary in just three steps

Step 1

Join the WLC global membership and get stuck in with the online community, mini-courses, weekly prayer rooms and curated resource library

Step 2

Complete your first round of our self-study signature coaching courses: Courage and Ready, Set, Goal!

Step 3

Join an in-person local WLC branch for fellowship, hotseat discussions, deep dive on gender specific issues in leadership and SUPPORT


The Programs


WLC Mini Membership


A global coaching community for Christian Women in Leadership who want to stop apologising for their God-given gifts and become everything that God has created them to be; all with the fellowship and support of a warm and welcoming group of women leaders in the same boat!


Premium Membership


Get everything that is included in the WLC Mini Membership PLUS: live weekly group coaching on leadership topics, with a weekly Q&A specifically for WLC Premium members.  PLUS monthly leadership training. You will also have your own Premium Lounge to discuss the leadership topic of the month, network and fellowship

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Frequently asked questions

Q: I am a new to all this. Do I have to join a face to face local WLC, or can I just be part of the online community?

A: Yes, this is a tool for your personal development, and you can be as involved as you like. To get the full transformative effects of WLC it is a good idea to join a group when you feel you can! 🙂

Q: I feel called to leadership, but I do not yet lead people – can I still join?

A: Yes, this solution will work particularly well for you. It’s a great way to delve deeper into God’s plans for you and learn the tools you will need…so go for it!

Q: How much support is included?

A: There is a members-only support group, which we encourage you to post questions you may have; we aim to answer these within 48 hours (during the Mon-Fri week)

Q: Does this only work for women in ministry?

A: No, this works for all kinds of Christian women leaders, the content is designed for any Christian woman in a position of leadership: this could be within a church, a business, workplace or any other context.

Q: When will I get access?

A: You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase and will get access to our inner circle group within 24 hours.

Q: What if I change my mind? Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes, there is a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.

Money Back Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes absolutely! We think you will love WLC, so much so we offer a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.
